What’s Your Conflict Style?
The missing work of attachment styles.
Requests vs. Demands: A Key to Honest Relationships
If requests are for truth, and demands are for compliance, which one is your behavior really communicating?
On "Moving too Fast" in Relationships
We dismiss the truth as if that makes it go away, but the truth never needed our permission to exist.
On Acknowledgment & Accountability
So it turns out, I was having a painful conversation about something my mother did and how it impacted me. My mother was also having a painful conversation, but about her identity and value as a mother.
Understanding and Healing Relationship Anxiety
Relationship anxiety isn't your fault, but a part of relational hygiene is to minimize the need for unnecessary emotional labor. You've got this.
Authenticity Is / Is Not... (Activity Prompt)
How can you act authentically from your truth if you aren't checking in on it?
The Art of Suffering
I dedicate this article to my father, and a practice that's saved my life on more than one occasion.
Is it Love, or Something Else?
At some point, we have to ask ourselves:
How are we defining love to the point where we get it so wrong so often?