Why Healing Might Not Be Working For You (And What to Focus On Instead)
This is for you if you find yourself muttering that you “want to be a better person”, or are hoping that healing will make your pain go away.
How Finding Your Purpose Actually Works
Love represents our relationships with other people. Purpose represents our relationships with our lives.
Hurt vs. Harm
Being triggered isn't an assault. It's information.
Working With Emotional Triggers (A Full Guide)
Working with emotional triggers is the act of soothing your nervous system so you can address what's happening right now for what it is. A potential problem. Nothing more, nothing less.
Understanding and Healing Relationship Anxiety
Relationship anxiety isn't your fault, but a part of relational hygiene is to minimize the need for unnecessary emotional labor. You've got this.
How to Cultivate Healthy Relationships In Your Life
The level of health you experience in your relationships directly correlates with your personal capacity for relational health.
Transforming Your Inner Critic
Why would we ever try to silence an ally instead of partner with it to form a better-functioning allyship? Wouldn't that make more sense?
The Myth of Self Awareness
If I were practicing self awareness 10 years ago I would’ve been aware that my assholish guard was covering up deep, deep anguish. I would've known that the anguish I felt wasn't caused by any of the people I was behaving that way toward. But I wasn't aware of that.
What They Don't Tell You About Meditation
The point isn't to empty your mind. It's to observe it. Here's how.
The Challenge of "Authenticity"
Hurting someone’s feelings and causing them harm are two different things.